olivia mccoy 0

Petition for DCI to raise the "age-out" age to 25

44 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
olivia mccoy 0 Comments
44 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

By signing this petition you are saying that Drum Corps International should raise their "age-out" cut-off age to 25 as of October 1, 2010.

Older members are more likely to want to come back and march again. They are also generally more responsible, and thus more likely to pay their dues. They're also more likely to have more experience. More mature performers = more advanced performances. Higher age limit means larger pool of performers for the activity as a whole "theoretically". It would also allow people who couldn't afford it (for one reason or another) and waited until college to give it a try. Hopefully lowering the number of rook-outs.

Some high schools with incredible band programs (Broken Arrow High School, etc.) do not allow their students to march drum corps because they don't want their students to learn a different style of marching. A lot of these students don't have the money to pay for drum corps during college and they completely miss out on the experience. If the age-out was extended to 25 years-old it would allow these students to experience something fantastic and their lives would be drastically changed.


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