Ludick Mkhari 0


24 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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24 people have signed. Add your voice!
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This petition aims to achieve a buy in support of the concerned South Africans for the fight against the Back to school that is currently planned by the Department of Basic Education ( DBE ) on the 18th May 2020.

It is very imperative to remind all parents that Coronavirus is virus which at this point there is no identified cure except the Madagascar Discovery by Doctor Jerome Munganyi which still needs to be re-tested if the World Health Organization ( WHO ) will agree to it, however it was said by March 2020 that for the vaccine or treatment medications to Coronavirus to be found, researched & approved for public consumption could take another 18months from March 2020 up until the September 2021 if I do my timeframe calculations right.

Now, the tricky part is this virus has a capacity to kill a human being within a space of 21days, as it may take 7-14days to show symptoms and thereafter may or may not be managed in 7days which could result in death. THIS ARE HARD-COLD-FACTS !!!!

I QUOTE, Dr. Zweli Mkhize ( Minister of Health RSA) & Dr. Tedros ( CEO : WHO ) said “ This virus is not a respecter for mankind, it chooses no race, it knows no richer & poor, it is not visible that it can be seen, it is like a beast hunting for its prey to kill, it kills and it kills fast “ with this being we all can clearly see the unmanageable state of this virus we are dealing with.

Furthermore, we know that this virus is a contact virus which literally depends on human flesh to be able to eat up its prey. Meaning, without an environment ( human being ) which it can travel through from one person to the other via ;
• Touching of hands
• Coughing towards each other in close proximity
• Touching an area or surface infected by someone who already carries the infection which could be anything ( ie. Door handles, Tables Surfaces, Sharing of Pens, Books, Chairs, Workstations, Toilet seats, Toilet Flush handles, Water taps handles, you name it )

Furthermore, in the past week, a study from China, Wuhan, has revealed that Coronavirus can be an airborne virus in a clustered place where there isn’t enough ventilation which the chances are in most poor schools during winter have both windows & doors closed which in turn make it a conducive environment for the airborne virus to operate favorable to its preys. Thus all schools must use airconditioners to isolate this probability to take effect.

Another danger is, both Dr. Zweli Mkhize & Dr. Tedros, have mentioned that a person can be infected or carrying the Coronavirus within the first 7-14 days of rapture and still test NEGATIVE. By the time their symptoms of Coughing, Sneezing etc. starts showing their would have infected many other contact persons they were in contact with. This infections could happen anywhere and will not be traceable where it started, it could be via student transport, at physical class lessons with a teacher and during playtime or after school while kids play with each other.

Given the season being now already at winter period, this is the time where flu is of high peak in kids, thus we really can’t take chances and place such responsibility of hygiene consciousness amongst kids. They can easily exchange masks, who will know since all this masks will be similar, thus should one child be affected it creates a very high risk of infection transmission which in turn could be uncontrollable.
We neither can place reliance on Teacher’s Supervision or any other kind of promised supervision
because we all know that no one will follow this kids to the rest rooms, nor during lunch breaks
and after school during play times.

Hopefully by now I have a lot of parent’s attention to see how dangerous this virus is and exposure
to it is very simple in a densely populated environment which like it or not schools are falling under
medium – high densely populated environment. Allowing a child to go back to school during this
pandemic is an absolute act of murder and a permission for a death warrant. No preventative
measure can GUARANTEE Zero Infections, no matter how many masks, how many times sanitizers
and disinfectant may be used, this is a HIGH-RISK decision taken by DBE.

Presentation by the DBE last week as well is very worrisome of the fact that the Minister Angie
Motshekga said that the main purpose of the Department is to more importantly save the academic
year NOT save lives, she emphasized the academic year as the most important aspects ABOVE ALL.

I personally suggested alternative methods via Twitter to Department of Basic Education which the
rest of the world is working on as we speak, this method were as per below and still feel strong
about them as a viable safety option for now until a solution for the virus treatment is found ;

• Identify kids via the teachers network from every school who don’t have technology devices,
then purchase them either big screen cellphones or tablets for elearning platform. With
leading partners like Samsung & Huawei this should be a walk in the park.
• Negotiate Student-Education-elearning Data Bundles based Product for learning portals
only with leading partners Vodacom & Mtn, this companies has been making good enough
profits for all time in RSA thus it is time they give back to help us fight the Covid-19 battle.
• In areas where network has been reported a challenge, ask for the network providers to
BOOST the signals for 3G/4G connections in order to help support efficient signal for the
elearning portals.
• For students who doesn’t have educated support from home, use the network of
community teachers yet again to identify this kids, then create the network of the said
teachers who were meant to be added as additional support as per presentation to assist
this kids.

This in a nutshell is the best working platform with immediate effect for the safety of our kids, our
families and the future of livelihood of all South Africans.

The benefit to Government in turn is :

➢ The money channeled towards purchase of the masks, sanitizers, disinfectants and
transport costs will be massive, as this will need regular stocks replenishing, and increase in
transport vehicles which also buffer up the recurring cost to Govt. This v/s once-off
electronic devices purchases is incomparable.
➢ The money also allocated for technology construction which is called Mobile Classrooms will
be a huge savings to Govt. since there won’t be a need for such whilst kids learn from home.

In closing, I am not saying the Academic year 2020/2021 must be scrapped BUT we can’t allow this
death sentence called Back to School during a deadly pandemic like this whilst we can
TEMPORARILY migrate to technological platforms which most of the private schools are already
active at by the way as we speak for the past 3 or 4 weeks.

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