Becky Bullock 0

David and Billie: A Live Twitter Q and A Video Session

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Becky Bullock 0 Comments
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If you love David Tennant and Billie Piper together, then you've come to the right place! Since I first watched Doctor Who in 2005, I have become a big Ten/Rose shipper. It's become so much that I love seeing David and Billie together. They're such great friends, and support each other in different projects they do e.g seeing one another in plays.

I know this seems a bit of an odd thing to petition, but I figured, why not? If you saw Billie's Twitter Q and A (the video version), then you'll see where this is going. Imagine it, both David and Billie doing a Twitter Q and A together, on video! If this is something you want, then sign this petition!

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