Get Dave Hester off Storage Wars
Jack Hekimian 0

Get Dave Hester off Storage Wars

371 signers. Add your name now!
Jack Hekimian 0 Comments
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I know that a lot of these reality shows need clashing personalities, and that some of the people cast for the show can be unpopular in the viewers eyes. Sure it might help ratings. But Dave Hester needs to go! He adds nothing to the show except making it incredibly annoying to sit through an episode. And I'm not talking about his "YUUUUP" either (though its pretty much the most annoying sound in the world). The guy is scum. In today's economy he has the nerve to drive up prices for other people trying to make a living just to annoy them? Half the time he talks about how he doesn't want a unit, he just wants someone else to overpay. His excuse is that its business and they're competition. But the other half of the time he talks about being in a league of his own, and how no one is real competition for him. We don't need him getting business for his "company" through this show. It's free publicity for him. And on top of that it condones his actions of walking over the little guys to get what he wants, even if half the time he doesn't even need it. Sign my petition to tell A&E to get Dave Hester off the show. We don't need to waste our time watching greed and ego win at others expense.

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