Dauphin County YWCA
For over two years, the Dauphin County YWCA has allowed Nichole Walters to represent Mai Edwards. Mai has falsely accused Adam of abuse, which some of you may know personally, had been the other way around during the course of their relationship. Because of these unfounded allegations, Mai has been able to win primary physical custody of Godfrey. Meanwhile, Mai has continued to bully both Adam and Godfrey, make derogatory comments to Godfrey about his father, as well as Sabrina and Preston, and uses the child as a pawn. She refuses to allow communication throughout the week, has not been involved with Godfrey's education or any extracurricular activities, and she is not able to do simple things, such as take him to the dentist or be home with him on sick days. Godfrey spends many school nights on the couches of Mai's temporary friends. She takes him to bars with her and exposes him to environments not conducive for a child. Mai has been charged with trespassing and is not allowed within 400 yards of our residence. There have been harassment charges filed against her after hitting Sabrina, which have unfortunately been dropped because "she didn't leave a mark." Just recently she picked up Godfrey drunk (police record shows a BAC of 0.11) and made a scene in public by throwing food in Sabrina's face and calling her names. These violent behaviors have happened in front of both children, Godfrey and Preston. Our growing concern has motivated us to fight for custody of Godfrey, allowing us to take proper care of him and enroll him in our school district. Please help us by signing this petition in hopes that the YWCA of Dauphin County will review the decision to represent a person of this character. Thank you for your support!