Dangerous Trailers

***Note By Signing this Petition your e mail will not be published*** please click on the signiture tab on the top. To see how you will be viewed. In addition you can unclick the section if you do not want I Petitions to contact you. To the United States Government, We have a serious issue with unsafe trailers on our roadways. The issue stems from our total lack of standards regarding the Utility Trailers, Boat Trailers and Homemade trailers segment. In most states the STATE CODE IS SILENT FOR ALL TRAILERS THAT WEIGH UNDER 3,000 AS TO ANY DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS FOR THOSE VEHICLES OR FOR TOWING CHAINS AND HITCHES. The purpose of this Petition is to draw attention to the POTENTIAL dangers of unsafe trailers on roadways in the country. In many cases, towed trailers may be in OBVIOUS violations of safety codes that relate to lighting, braking and inspection requirements. Wherever possible, LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS should be trained in ways to quickly and easily identify such vehicles. We simply refuse to have our citizens be taken away from loose trailers caused by a total lack of standards. Many lives have been lost to RANDOM ACTS OF NEGLIGENCE. We the undersigned request: To petition the United States Government to introduce an annual compulsory test of road worthiness for all trailers pulled by road vehicles: i.e. horse trailers, caravans, car trailers, utiilty trailers etc. Also for all such vehicles to have a compulsory brake system with a BREAKAWAY cable to activate the brakes if the trailer breaks free from the vehicle which is pulling it.