Dangerous Intersection

The intersection at Highway 17 and Water Oak/Village Square on Fleming Island is a deathtrap. It's only a matter of time before some child on the way to school is mowed down by a distracted driver turning while a pedestrian is in the crosswalk. In the course of a week, I had to stop short as people turn left and right without looking, people racing to beat the light at more than 40 miles per hour, and illegal double-left hand turns at near 90 degree angles.
While a change to the light pattern will not prevent all illegal activity, setting the lights so that there are no turns permitted while the crosswalk is activated will undoubtedly save a life.
When the pedestrian caution sign is mowed down, this should be a wake up call to the department of transportation. People have already been injured or killed at this intersection. Why is turning not permitted on Blanding with slower traffic while allowed on a much more dangerous stretch of road?
Despite the increase in traffic, the speeds have not decreased and people seem to be getting more impatient and reckless with each passing day. Help me save a life by signing this petition to prevent drivers from turning when it is clearly dangerous to do so. The simplest solution is also the most inexpensive. The light pattern can be changed for the cost of a technician to come out and reset the box.