Dance Schools Use of Public School Facilities
As of January 2009 the Rutherford County School Board began rejecting all requests for dance schools to use any of the Rutherford County Public School facilities after years of allowing it. Rutherford County has many beautiful and spacious auditoriums that are only being used a few times a year. There are studios in this area who have used the public school auditoriums for their recitals for over 20 years. The school system benefits from the use of facilities financially by the rental fee paid by each dance school! Also, facilities use of Rutherford County Schools allows Rutherford County students to continue to perform and support the Arts. I hope that you will join me and help change this policy! By signing this petition you agree that dance schools should continue to be able to promote the arts to Rutherford County parents and students by holding performances in the Rutherford County School Facilities beginning November 2009. This petition will be submitted to the Rutherford County School Board on October 27th at 5:00 p.m. Thank you for your support!