Bring back Cyclops in a fourth X-Men film, please

To Tom Rothman c/o Fox Studios P.O. Box 900 Beverly Hills, CA 90213 Dear Mr. Rothman, We, the fans, would like to see a fourth "X-Men 4" film in theaters, and one character we'd love to see return is Cyclops. His role in the three movies have been minimal, particularly in the 2006 movie "X-Men: The Last Stand", in which he apparently was killed by Jean Grey shortly after her resurrection. This "death" scene, which happened off-screen and we never actually saw him die, disappointed fans and non-fans alike of Cyclops, who was under-developed in the previous three "X-Men" movies. We would very much like to see Cyclops back for a fourth movie, please, and have it revealed that he survived his encounter with Jean and he is only believed dead by the X-Men. We would also like to see Cyclops portrayed as the leader of the X-Men as he rightfully is in the comics. Even actor James Marsden isn't convinced his character is dead. Shortly after the film's release in May 2006, in various interviews on several websites, Marsden said he wasn't convinced Cyclops was dead and that he'd like to reprise his role, which is a rarity for actors involved with comic movies. We are aware that Fox has no current plans for a fourth film and they are busy developing the two "X-Men: Origins" spin-off prequels, "Wolverine" and "Magneto". But if Fox does decide to make another X-Men movie, please bring back Cyclops and grant him a leading role as one of the X-Men in the fourth installment of the franchise. Thanks for your time reading this petition.