J Bloomfield 0


6 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
J Bloomfield 0 Comments
6 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

This Petition is for everybody that agrees to cut the max stake for FOBT's to £2. These machines are ruining lifes whilst providing an estimated £800m tax revenue for the treasury which is the reason the government does not want to drastically change the stakes to a bear minimum. They say that 20k people will lose their jobs but this addiction has cost thousands of more jobs than that. Its about time the public stand up to this emotional and mental depressive state that these FOBT's leave people in and see what a disaster this addiction is causing in society. Suicidal counts from these machines are rising year on year and we need to take action NOW! Our fellow humans are falling in a hypnotic state putting money into these CEO's of these high street bookmakers that are probably laughing at us all. This Petition is to be made aware to a wide audience and signed then forwarded onto the government so it will make a big impact on the decision that will be made soon.

At this point they are most probably going to reduce the stake from £100 per bet to £50 per bet but this will not half their revenue as addicts will stay in that bookmaker for double the time and lose the same amount as if it were £100 max per bet. We need to all come together to put this petition forward that the £2 max bet on these machines is the way to go as people will see it as fun and addicts will subside their addiction eventually whilst offering them the support they may need. This type of betting known as the crack cocaine of gambling is causing lifes to be ruined families destroyed marriages ruined and deaths which is on the rise from suicide. Please sign this and spread this petition far and wide and i can guarentee every addict on these machines will agree also with this petition. DO IT NOW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!

Lets look forward to a better future for everyone. The stake of £2 will create more jobs than the 20k jobs lost at bookmakers for sure.. SIGN NOW IF YOU AGREE.

I would like to thank everyone in advance who signs in agreement.

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