Your customer want Pre-CU back.

We, the players of Star Wars Galaxies, would like Sony Online and LucasArts to bring SWG back to the way it was. We are your customers and are fans of the way SWG use to be. Please, give us back the game we all loved before the NGE. We would also like Sony Online and LucasArts to be more forward and reach out to the players more before any big changes are made to SWG. Let the customers, the players of your great game deside what changes should be made. Right now, we do not have that. I understand that LucasArts and Sony Online work togather on SWG but all we ask, as a customer, to please test the new changes with your player base. Both Sony Online and LucasArts would benifit from this and so would the players of your game. So, we ask again. Please give us the game we all loved to play. Thank you for your time and I hope we as players and members of the SWG staff can once again come together as one to make this a great game.