National CUSHING\'S DISEASE Awareness Day April 8t

Please show your support for adopting April 8th as: NATIONAL CUSHING\'S AWARENESS DAY. What is CUSHING\'S SYNDROME CUSHING\'S SYNDROME is an all encompassing term capturing all forms of this disease including adrenal, pituitary, steroid use, ectopic, or pseudo. CUSHING\'S DISEASE is very rare and affects approximately ten to fifteen in every one million Americans. Because of its rarity, and the lack of information made available to the public as well as the medical profession, many who suffer from Cushing\'s are misdiagnosed or go undiagnosed for years before receiving the correct testing and treatment. Sadly, left untreated, the result is death as all body systems are adversely affected. Many times the very professionals that we look to in the medical community become the biggest obstacles that we must overcome in striving for answers and better health. If you know someone who battles this disease, are fighting yourself, or maybe are a survivor, you know the horror of this relatively unknown disease, and the importance of AWARENESS! Our hope is that by having a special day set aside, we will raise awareness in the public and medical community thereby saving lives. April 8th has been chosen as a day of awareness as it was Dr. Harvey Cushing\'s, (the Neurosurgeon who discovered this illness), birthday. As a CUSHING\'S Survivor, this matter is very important to me. We continue to make an effort to raise awareness. In 2006, Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma sponsored a Resolution in the Senate. Because of his diligence, the support of other Senators across the United States, and the efforts of many individuals to help others by sharing their experience, we were thrilled that the United States Senate passed Resolution 423 - A resolution (S. Res. 423) designating April 8, 2006 as National Cushing\'s Syndrome Awareness Day. This development was monumental in beginning to raise awareness in the United States, but we need your continued support. Help us raise awareness here in the U.S as well as in other countries of the world. WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERNECE! YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! AWARENESS is the key! Please add your name to our petition to make APRIL 8th NATIONAL CUSHING\'S AWARENESS DAY! A special thank you to my support team and to you for supporting our continued efforts!