Shaun Reardon Elizabeth 0

Curtis Road, the upgrade we needed 10 years ago

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Curtis Road upgrade Petition

Curtis Road has fast become the slow lane. Due to massive increases in local population and the success of the federally funded Northern Expressway, traffic volumes have increased to a level on Curtis Road that it urgently requires upgrading to dual lanes each way and an over/under pass installed at the train line.

Traffic delays impact the financial viability of commercial developments along Curtis Road with many local residents avoiding the area due to traffic delays. These delays have led to inpatient driving behaviours resulting in an increasing number of accidents on this road. Between 2015 and 2019 the intersection of Curtis Road and Peachy Road saw 56 accidents alone. As the population continues to grow these issues will get worse. Recently the Gawler East Link Road was completed in partnership between the Gawler council and the State Government allowing for improved traffic flow. Why should Playford be left behind? Let’s work together to fix this mess.

The South Australian Government keep telling us they are building what matters, what matters to the People of Playford is a dual lane Curtis Road, let’s build it.

We the undersigned,

Call on City of Playford, the South Australian Government and the Federal Government to jointly fund the upgrade to Curtis Road to a dual lane arterial road with an over/underpass at the train line as a matter of urgency.

Attention to

City Of Playford CEO

SA Government, Minister for Infrastructure and Transport

Australian Federal Government, Minister for Infrastructure and Transport

Written and authorised by Shaun Reardon, Candidate for Mayor

City of Playford, PO Box 179, Angle Vale SA 5117

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