Curbside Recycling for WE
The members of WE would like curbside recycling in our neighborhood. We are willing to pay up to $3 a month for this service.
This petition has been created by WE resident Daniette Hunter to determine the degree of interest in having and paying for curbside recycling in Wimbledon Estates. This petition is for residents of WE only. Please vote only once. Should interest be strong enough, this information will be presented to the Cypress Klein Utility District Board for their consideration, as they are the entity that manages trash services for WE.
Additionally, if you were reached by phone and your vote was recorded, you needn't vote online as well.
Please note: After your vote registers, ipetitions will ask if you would like to donate to ipetitions. It is NOT required nor associated with this petition nor Daniette Hunter. There is no fee to post a petition online with ipetitions and I assume this is one way for them to generate income.