CTV \"Mess\" Boards

Court TV message boards are out of control due to mismanagement. Moderators are ineffective and unprofessional. Crime and Trial topics are no longer the main drive of the boards. Chat and ridiculous topics like \"What\'s for dinner\" have been allowed to take priority and flood out the original intent that draws crime and trial watchers to CTV. Moderators are biased and do not apply rules or enforce the term of service policies consistently. Admin complaining about bandwidth on one hand, while allowing numerous ridiculous threads and entire boards to be created is a contradiction that defies common sense. Board discord is fueled by Admin\'s style and lack of control. Members have no where to turn as Admin misuses their Power to delete and ban. Emails to supervisors go unanswered. If you dare to question retaliation follows! Loyal members have left and some have cancelled CTV televised programming. We doubt this is the type of customer service Time / Warner executives support. How many customers will Time / Warner lose or offend before they address this problem Many supporting documents and example posts have been gathered to send with this petition. Petition will be sent certified mail receipt required. Please make your statements / requests simple and professional! *** PRIVACY NOTE *** All signature and personal information is NOT viewable to the public. This information is kept in a data base only accessible to me, Critique. Information will only be provided to Time Warner Petition. NO information will be shared or sold to any other person or entity