CTU change for students
Alexzandrea Houston

CTU change for students

Alexzandrea Houston
25 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

CTU claims they put the best interest of their students first. Many students disagree and want to see change. Students want their voices heard by the school. They want more faculty to be able to assist the high number of students attending. They want the school to be held accountable for technical problems not caused by the student. Students do not want to have to do more work because the school did not add their credits in correctly. CTU policies are made to benefit the school and not the students attending. CTU needs to remove their claim they put students first or begin to actually do so.

By signing this petition you are supporting the following:

  • Hiring more financial aid faculty to support students.
  • Letting students who have been negatively affected as a result of technical problems caused by the school have exceptions to policies
  • Having the school create a place for students to directly raise issues with the school
  • Changing the way the school provides information to make it more accessible to students
  • Allowing students to go as high up as the President of the school if they have an issue that is not being addressed.

These are currently major issues that students currently enrolled at CTU face. Many students chose this school because of the flexibility as well as many claims made by the school faculty that have been found to be false.

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