CSC 111 Proposal
Hello friends,
I've created this petition in an attempt to enable a change in the schedule of our class. Please read over what I am proposing and if you support it take the time to sign it.
I believe we don't have adequate time or ability to complete the project to meet our own expectations, or that of Pauca's. This project is the most interesting thing we have worked on so additional time to complete it would be greatly valued and used. I also feel as though having the final is a push, given our lack of time to review. The regular problem sets and quizzes have shown that we are keeping up with the material, making the final superfluous.
The solution to these concerns is to receive additional instruction and help on our projects in class on Wednesday. The final would be done away with, and the due date for the project and presentations would be the regularly scheduled time on the 5th. This gives us time to create a more complete end product that is actually functional and we can be proud of. Criteria for grading the project could be redesigned to reflect the higher standards given the additional time. The presentations and websites will be of a much higher caliber and we will come away with more applicable knowledge in the field of computer science, as well as increased interest. If you agree please sign.