Crystal Cares

CRYSTAL CARES PETITION TO EXTEND THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS FOR A WRONGFUL DEATH LAWSUIT I would like to get a bill started that will extend the Statute of Limitations for a wrongful death lawsuit. My wife died due to hospital negligence. I took legal action shortly after her death. The first attorney I contacted informed me I definitely had a case and not to speak to any other attorneys. He kept the case for approximately six months, only to tell me he couldn't help me and referred me to another attorney. The next attorney did the same as the first and this continued until I ran out of time. I actively pursued this issue until I was told the Statute of Limitations was up (two years in my state), but was told I still had a case and to keep trying. Two years is not a sufficient amount of time to begin a Wrongful Death case due to grief, attorneys sitting on the case for lengthy periods of time, the mental state of survivors of the deceased, and the unbearable pressure to get everything in order to begin a lawsuit while still trying to accept the death itself. Two years felt like two months to me. Other states have a Statute of Limitations of three years. I think everyone, everywhere, should have at least four years. I question the one to three year limit. Is it set so the grieving family can't mentally cope with the death and file a lawsuit at the same time? Is this a benefit to the doctors/hospitals? Is this a way to get out of owning up to medical negligence? If you, or your loved one, lost one another or a child due to negligence or malpractice, do you feel two years would be enough to grieve and deal with legal issues all at the same time? It's been two years and I still wake up thinking I'm laying next to my wife in bed. I still dream about her and what happened and it is so real. How can I think straight when I'm repeating my story to more than several attorneys and reliving what happened every time I tell my story? I can't. How can a person think of money when somebody so cherished has just passed. Two years is not enough time. Two years is barely enough time to accept and deal with the death of a loved one. Nobody should have to deal with the loss of a loved one and, at the same time, the pressure of having a limited amount of time to ensure that person did not die in vain. Please help me introduce a bill to change/extend the Statute of Limitations for a wrongful death lawsuit. My wife was a caregiver, she knew what heart attack symptoms were, she knew what to feel for in her own body. Yet, I had to watch for months as my wife begged for help...up until the end, until she made the hospital staff do their job. By then, it was too late. She had passed. Now, I'm begging for help to get closure for myself, my wife, and our families. I hope the facilities we went to change their procedures for you or anybody else that walks through those doors. I won't get my wife back, but something needs to be done for the rest of us, it needs to change. I have been trying to find someone to help me with this matter, but I am not rich. I AM NOT ASKING FOR ANY MONEY, JUST YOUR SIGNATURE. It seems like I'm getting nowhere. If you know of anyone that can help me, please have them contact me at: jason.gray7@yahoo.com I need to gather as many signatures as I can, please help. Anything you can do will be greatly appreciated. You may also go to www.facebook.com, search for Crystal Dill-Gray and click on the Crystal Cares page in the left pane to tell your story or leave comments. Thank you, Jason Gray