Cruelty to Dogs; Outside Winter and Summer

.The State of Pennsylvania at this time (12/2011) allows human beings to leave their dogs outside during the winter months without calling it cruelty to animals.
In my neighborhood is a middle-sized dog who lives on a chain about 7 feet long, rarely barks or calls any attention to himself, and lives outside without any sympathy from his owners. He has a doghouse (without a door) facing North, that he has to live in, some straw to sleep on to keep warm. His only shelter sits on a cement patio outside his owner's patio door; where they sit inside, eat and stay warm and ignore him.
Ignored and unwalked, this dog sleeps during snowstorms, wind, rain and bizzards next to these people's pool, around the corner from their three cars in the driveway.
I believe this is cruelty to animals, and I have reported it to the Humane Society in my county. The animal cruelty officer agrees with what I am saying, but Pennsylvania is at this time not protecting dogs from cruelty such as this. Tonight this dog will be sleeping in 20 degree weather again...I am sure that he, and hundreds of other dogs, will appreciate your signature and thoughts in this attempt to achieve better conditions for them.
This is a petition that I hope to submit to the State of Pennsylvania with enough signatures to convince them that the laws protecting dogs need to be changed, and all dogs should be allowed protection, warmth and exercise rights in Pennsylvania.
Thank you for signing this petition.