Cruciform coffee machine
Shaolu Ran 0

Cruciform coffee machine

95 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Shaolu Ran 0 Comments
95 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Last thing you want to do when it's 5.30pm and you're in the Cruciform library trying to get your head around embryology/renal system/why the cranial cavity has so many damn fossae is to have to go face the brutal English wind just to get a coffee. It may be March but it was snowing last week! What's more, you can't rely on the Huntley to be open when you need that caffeine kick... This petition is the first step to getting a coffee vending machine in the Cruciform building, when we get enough signatures, the subject can be raised by the student body in meetings and we can really get the ball rolling!


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