Crowley ISD Voters Support Tax Rate Increase

Petition Summary Please note you don't need to pay the donation requested at the end of the survey - just click out and your signature will be saved. Thanks Our school district like many others are faced with tough decisions which will affect you. Although there are schools being built, they won't open because we do not have money to pay for teachers and programs. Bonds previously passed only pay for buildings not staff. This will affect our school districts desirability and in turn could have a negative effect on your property values. We are asking you to sign this petition to ask the school board to bring this tax increase to a second public vote. In was narrowly defeated in the first vote, we believe because people didn't understand this is a vote for teachers and programs and not buildings. Fact - if this increase is not made it will result in : 1. Extracurricular program cuts 2. Increased student-to-teacher ratios 3. New campus openings canceled 4. Job cuts For those of you interested in more information, see links on the right side of this page. The Petition We, the undersigned, call upon the Board of Trustees of the Crowley Independent School District ("CISD") to again put to a public vote the issue of the increase of the maintenance and operations property tax rate for the CISD taxing district from $1.535 to $1.67 per $100 (13 cents) of assessed property value. This matter was put to a public vote on October 4th, 2008 and was narrowly defeated. The defeat has resulted in a continuation of a budget crisis for CISD originally caused by the current state mandated method of school finance and has caused and will cause cuts in expenditures which directly affect both the children and the community of CISD. We recognize that without legislative action, the only way to insure that the children of the CISD district receive equitable funding is to increase the district's maintenance and operations property tax rate. As parents and community members living in the CISD taxing district, we support the tax increase as an aid to equalizing the dollars available on a per student basis in all school districts in Texas and in an effort to: 1. Better educate the students of CISD by allowing CISD to open newly built schools and reduce overcrowding in the schools, to retain teachers, and to retain and implement programs vital to a quality school system; and 2. Aid in maintaining property values in CISD as the quality of CISD continues to be maintained and improved. we would vote 'yes' if this issue was brought to a public vote again.