Crosswalk at Holmead and Park

Dear Councilmember Nadeau,
We are residents of Columbia Heights and the surrounding neighborhoods, including many parents of small children. Please help advocate for a crosswalk at the intersection of Holmead Place and Park Road. This is a major pedestrian thoroughfare connecting a dense residential area to the shopping, transportation, and recreation (including kids' splash park) at the Columbia Heights plaza/metro area. The closest crosswalk to cross Park Road is a 3-minute walk in either direction (to 13th St. or 14th St.) As a result, it is common to count 10-20 people, including small children, jaywalking this intersection every minute! (So common, in fact, that Google maps' image of that intersection, attached, actually shows a jaywalker in action!) This is very dangerous with all the turning cars, especially from the adjacent Giant parking lot entrance, and the Giant's many delivery trucks -- yet it's not practical to expect people to walk so far out of their way to reach the nearest crosswalk. In sum, this is a very busy intersection in desperate need of a crosswalk. We hope you can help and thank you for your service!
Your neighbors and constituents