Tania Dobin 0

Crosswalk at 84th Street

76 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Tania Dobin 0 Comments
76 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We are starting a petition to request the Township Of Langley install a crosswalk at 84th and 209A street. We will also be requesting that the road narrows on both sides where the crosswalk is placed to calm the traffic along 84th. Many people cross the road at this location in order to get to and from the Willoughby Walking Trail that the Township provided for our neighborhood. The traffic and speed going along 84th makes it very hard for cars coming from 209A street to turn on to 84th. By narrowing the road and slowing down traffic not only will pedestrians be able to cross in a marked crosswalk but the visibility of a narrowed roadway will give cars coming from 209A better visibility of the traffic along 84th street. Many kids have to cross this busy street to get to and from school. Let's make this a safer area for all the Yorkson Residents!

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