Criminals to serve full sentences.
Claire Kenward 0

Criminals to serve full sentences.

22 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Claire Kenward 0 Comments
22 people have signed. Add your voice!
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This petition is for those of us that feel that not only are the punishments given to most criminals not enough, but that those who are sentenced, should at least serve the full time they are sentenced for. Many of us out there have fallen victim to lots of type's of crime, but there are some who have to live with the concequences of those crime's for the rest of our live's, be it the loss of someone close to us or physical and mental scarring which may never heal. For these people, life will never be the same, and the least we can do is try to get the point across to the government that criminal's should serve the full time that they are sentenced for, and that the criminal get's off lightly in comparrison to what the victim's and they're family's have to go through. So here is where i ask for your support to do just that, to make our country's justice system less about rehabilitation for the criminal's release, and more about the justice that you, i and every other person in our country are intitled to! Please sign to show your support for this cause. Thank you x

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