IPSC Petition to CRH (formerly Cement Roadstone Holdings) - Stop Colluding With Apartheid Israel!

CRH’s Israeli subsidiary company Mashav own 25 % of Israel’s sole cement manufacturer, Nesher Cement Enterprises, who supply approximately 75-90% of all cement sold in Israel. There can be no doubt that Nesher cement is being used in the construction of the illegal West Bank apartheid wall, the illegal colonial settlements, the Jerusalem Light Rail (linking illegally annexed east Jerusalem to some of these illegal settlements) and the apartheid settler-only roads, bridges and tunnels in the occupied territories of Palestine. All of these activities are clearly in defiance of many UN Resolutions, The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, International Humanitarian Law, International Court of Justice ruling and provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention. We believe that CRH plc, through its ownership of Mashav, to be complicit in the worst elements of Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine and the human rights abuses of the Palestinian people.
CRH boast on their website that they adhere “to the highest standards of corporate and social responsibility”. In light of this, we call for CRH to immediately divest from the Mashav Initiative and Development Ltd.