Resurface/Widen Matthews School Road
Libbie Fischetti 0

Resurface/Widen Matthews School Road

15 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Libbie Fischetti 0 Comments
15 people have signed. Add your voice!
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We, the undersigned Crestdale Crossing neighborhood residents, request that the town of Matthews resurface/repair Matthews School Road. Damage occurred when sidewalks were created, and high traffic at the entrance of this road has caused the pavement to recede. Difficulties occur when two cars are traveling, or turning out/in the entrance. Crestdale Crossing neighborhood houses over 100 residents, so it is imperative that the repairs be made as soon as possible to avoid accidents. Thank you for your consideration. Crestdale Crossing Residents


Libbie - Crestdale Crossing Resident


Public Works (contact Mr. Messara, cc: Town Mgr)
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