The Rosetta Stone Cree Language Program Movement
Roseanne Supernault 0

The Rosetta Stone Cree Language Program Movement

159 signers. Add your name now!
Roseanne Supernault 0 Comments
159 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We, the signers of this petition, wish for Rosetta Stone to develop a Cree Language Program. This petition is presented to demonstrate the amount of interest from people who want to learn Cree. It is plausible to state that within a few generations the Cree Language could become extinct if direct action and steps for preservation are not taken. The numbers of native speakers of this language is in decline, although it was once one of the most widely used languages amongst Aboriginal people; this can be attributed to the vast assimilation suffered by the Cree Peoples of North America. It is in the deepest desire of the Cree Nation to hold onto Cree language and Culture and to retain the right to practice both. Rosetta Stone is a world renown language program, popularly regarded as the easiest way to learn a language with immersion and while still being able to live a modern lifestyle. With this development, the computer program can be implemented into school curriculums, used in homes, or shared at recreation or education facilities. The key to our people reclaiming the Cree language is to make it SIMPLE and ACCESSIBLE, whether one lives an urban or rural lifestyle. One also does not have to be Native to learn this language, but just take an interest in it and it's preservation. It cannot be denied that many races in the world are coming together in the melting pot of North America; with that being said, strengthening our language and cultural knowledge base and adding it to the multi-cultural society of today is absolutely imperative. The future generations of the world, Native and Non-Native alike, deserve the freedom of choice in the Cultural and Language teachings they wish to carry on, with those teachings being readily available to them. We wish only to take a positive step in the development of Cree Language and Cultural teachings.

Hiy Hiy, (thank you)


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