Get Petra to write slash featuring crazy people and zombies!
Petra is my dear author friend who has far too many ideas and actually writes far too few. Today she came up with a story premise which was just too awesome: the inpatients of a mental institution deal with a zombie outbreak. Zombies. Crazy people. Slash. Probably not between the zombies and the crazy people but I wouldn't put it past her. So, I says to Petra:
Potatoe says:
I should start a petition to get you to write this
there should be like, a legal requirement
100 signatures, Petra has to write crazy person zombie slash
if you can get a hundred signatures i will do so
hand to god
So there you have it. If I can get 100 signatures, Petra has promised to write us at least 20,000 words of pure gold; perhaps more if we can get even more signatures. If, for some insane reason, this doesn't sound incredible to you, just sign it so that the rest of us may have us some wonderful. Force your friends to sign it! And some complete strangers! We can do this!
Here's an index of most of Petra's writing:
Petra has kindly written a couple of short samples of the story to give us an idea of what we're working for: