William Craig and David Icke should have a debate

Recently there has been much widespread controversy about the existence of gods. Several books, by writers such as Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris and Daniel Dennett have put forth the view that religious claims are incompatible with what we know about the universe. In contrast, William Lane Craig, a prominent Christian apologist considers the arguments made in these books to be flawed, and considers it highly likely that the Christian god Yahweh exists. He argues that Yahweh sent his son Jesus to Earth, where he performed various miraculous acts such as walking on water and transmuting water into wine, before dying and being resurrected, and ascending into heaven. He considers these events, recorded in the Bible, to be strong evidence for the truth of Christianity.
David Icke also disagrees with the likes of Dawkins on many points. However, unlike Craig, who believes the world was created by an invisible being with incredible powers, Icke has a different theory. David Icke believes that the world is secretly controlled by evil, shapeshifting reptilian aliens from the constellation Draco. These aliens, with the assistance of the Illuminati have infiltrated all levels of government, and many of the world's leaders are actually shapeshifting reptiles disguised as humans. They manipulate humanity by controlling business, education, the media, and religion.
If Icke's theory is true, this would pose a severe problem for Christianity, as many events, such as the resurrection of Jesus, which are considered by Craig to be strong evidence for Christianity, would instead be explainable by reference to the devious deceptions of shape-shifting reptiles. Craig has yet to meet the challenge of Icke's theory, and while he has managed to quite skilfully deal with atheist challenges to his position it is quite surprising that he has yet to demonstrate that Christianity is more plausible than the theory that all religions, including Christianity, are mere fabrications created by our reptilian overlords in order to deceive us.
We, the undersigned, recognise that both proponents are experts on their respective viewpoints. We also recognise that both viewpoints have comparable levels of evidential support. We therefore think that a debate between Craig and Icke would be a highly informative event which should shed considerable light on the merits of their respective views. By signing this petition, we strongly encourage the relevant parties to schedule and organize a debate between William Craig and David Icke, to be titled 'Christianity and Reptilian Alien Overlords - which is the more plausible hypothesis?', as soon as practically possible.
David Icke's website:
William Lane Craig's website: