CPK Northgate: Secure Lockers for Staff Belongings
Gavin Doyle 0

CPK Northgate: Secure Lockers for Staff Belongings

37 signers. Add your name now!
Gavin Doyle 0 Comments
37 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

In the past year over $1,000 in cash, food, clothing, and other small personal belongings have been stolen from the employee area at CPK Northgate. These thefts are routinely reported to the management, but no action has yet been taken to rectify the situation. Due to these incidents and a lack of action, morale and trust are understandably down and several employees have left CPK--in-part--because of these repeated incidents.

Because our parking is at a heavily trafficked mall in Seattle, it is unreasonable to ask employees to leave items such as purses, jackets, and umbrellas in their cars (or, for those who take the bus, in no provided area at all!). This problem is, of course, compounded now that the employee area is being removed due to electrical/safety concerns.

We respectfully ask that lockers (that can be locked) be installed somewhere in the back-of-house area (hallway to office? blocking the largely unused server station swinging doors? by the office? etc) for employees that wish some level of security for their purses, jackets, phones, and other small personal items.

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