COVID-19 Line of Duty Death Benefits

There is currently an unsigned executive order on the desk of Governor Abbott that would make any first responder death from COVID-19 be considered a death in the line of duty. This is a necessary step in making sure that the families of those who protect and serve will be taken care of just as if the incident was any other line of duty death. Even though police and fire departments are taking necessary steps in order to keep their hero's safe, first responders are still at a high risk of contracting COVID-19 due to the amount of personal interaction their job requires of them. Please consider signing this petition to let Governor Abbott know that the people of Texas believe that first responders should not have to worry about their families being left without financial resources if they die from COVID-19. Currently over ten first responders have died from complications due to COVID- 19 and none of their families have recieved any benefits from state or federal levels. Let Abbott know that he needs to act NOW.