Corruption at Auburn Correctional facility
Denise Siriani 0

Corruption at Auburn Correctional facility

11 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Denise Siriani 0 Comments
11 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

the corruption of nys maximum security prisons have become so outrageous its not only affecting the inmates but there families as well. one particular prison being the auburn correctional facility. there is a difference between teaching a prisoner right and wrong than physically and emotionally abusing them just because the law grants power to those involved in law enforcement this petition is not only to protect the inmates but also to stop the emotional abuse and control of the inmates families. by signing this petition the goal is to get governor Cuomo to investigate the wrong doings of the staff at auburn correctional facility.the staff that are abusing there authority, needs to be punished for there actions. there soul jobs are to serve and protect not abuse, corrupt and, control.   

     I, myself, am a victim of such abuse and im sending out this petition, to stop and prevent further, abuse from happening to myself, to the inmates and to other families. the staff at the facility have physically and verbally abused the inmates, set up the inmates to get them in trouble so they end up in the Special Housing Unit (Box), lied on visitors so they lose there visitation rights, stolen, or have had someone steal inmates belongings, retaliated when there unprofessionalism has been reported and permitted unnecessary drug tests on under aged children. we NEED governor Cuomo to put security cameras in this facility to STOP this corruption and abuse of the inmates and there families. ENOUGH is ENOUGH!! 



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