Coronavirus First

Dear Members of Congress, the Senate and the President of the United States.
We implore you to address the coronavirus pandemic first. If we do not it will continue to spread and more lives will be lost. We understand that the economy is important and that it must be kept afloat but we can keep the economy moving if we respond in unique and relevant ways.
The economy can be mobilized to support the most critical needs. These needs include food, transportation, sanitation, and medical care. Factory jobs, warehouse jobs, and transportation work like delivering and growing food for individuals are the most important. Providing proper medical and safety equipment is a must.
We have to discontinue our business as normal and start thinking about the essentials. Once we take care of our medical workers and any front-line workers- all the jobs that help us in a period of survival- then, and only then, can we move forward.
Investing in finding a vaccine is paramount to helping this pandemic and possible future ones as well.
In sum, we feel pressed to write these words and address the issue of the coronavirus pandemic because this issue must be addressed first before moving on to any other issues at hand. We must protect the lives of the people first in order to have a stable economy. You in congress, the senate and in the oval office hold the lives of people in your hands. Thank you.
The People of the United States