Ban the Use of Corexit in the Gulf of Mexico immediately!
Stop the use of corexit in the Gulf of Mexico immediately! Corexit is highly toxic, is directly related to the early deaths of Exxon Valdez rescue and recovery workers, forces oil to the ocean floor where it destroys oxygen and cannot be removed. Use of corexit will kill all the plankton and thus the entire marine food chain of the Gulf of Mexico. Corexit is not allowed in Britain so why is BP allowed to use a toxic dispersant on the Gulf of Mexico that would never be allowed in the North Sea. The EPA has reduced the amount that BP is allowed to spray but has not stopped it. The only possible uses of corexit are to hide the amount of oil spewing from the well or to destroy the Gulf so utterly that it is fit for nothing but oil rigs. Will you stand by and watch this happen?