Coral Trace Cable/TV
Hello Coral Trace Resident,
As you know, The Board has made the decision to move our Cable/TV from Xfinity to Hotwire starting August 1. Over the past 6 months, this decision was pending and as residents we have been advised to prepare for the transition. Recently a notice was distributed that Hotwire will/may not be prepared to deliver their promised service to us by August 1. The Board has made no mention of any refund to us for service we pay for during this delay, instead they communicate "Hotwire savings... will offset additional month-to-month" charges we incur. This should be a large concern to us all as this delay could be much longer than the 2-3 months they project.
We ask that you stand up for our contractual rights, demand that The Board refund us, as a credit to our dues, the portion that was previously allocated for Xfinity Cable/TV. This credit shall start with the October quarterly payment (for Aug and Sept paid dues) and remain ongoing until service is provided to every member of our community.
Furthermore, if The Board signed on our behalf, an agreement with Hotwire that DOES NOT stipulate a reasonable agreed upon installation deadline, that The Board be held personally responsible for that impact on us as well. We all know our Xfinity contract was expiring with sufficient advance notice and this obligation was due. We have not been advised of this delay until a July 8, 2022 email notified us.
Please sign this petition in support of our great community and the rights afforded to us by our paid association dues. (A donation is not needed to sign)
To properly authenticate your signature, please be sure to use the email address on file with the HOA, the one used to receive the July 8 email.
Thank you