We, the employees of Cora Physical Therapy, urge the company to provide its staff with quality health insurance coverage that is affordable in today’s expensive economy.
The recent changes to the health insurance plans provided by the company are of low quality and expensive. The deductibles and out of pocket payments have doubled and are practically unattainable. None of the changes that have been made have been in favor of those who it is supposed to help. The Anthem PPO plan has extremely high monthly payments, more so if children and/or family are included in the plan. The other 2 HDHP options are cheaper but force us to spend thousands of dollars before any coverage is provided.
We understand that the company needs to make financial decisions to improve the overall sustainability, but this is a decision that directly affects the people that make the wheels turn. We have been hit with one thing after another. The cost of living has increased by 8.7% and our annual increase in compensation was nowhere near that amount. Our 401K is no longer being matched and now we are faced with this, a low quality and overpriced health insurance plan that will deter most individuals from seeking medical care unless absolutely necessary. As members of staff that work extremely hard for the company, specifically in South Florida where patient volume is very high and a lot is expected from us, there is a general feeling of lack of appreciation. In the 2023 “Your Year, Your Voice Survey” many of us spoke up about the poor quality of the health insurance plans that were offered by the company, we voiced our concerns, and it seems that it only made things worse.
We ask the company to please reconsider the health insurance plans provided and replace them with plans that are affordable and of good quality. As workers in the health care field, we know how important it is to receive necessary medical care, and we should not have to choose between receiving care and paying our bills or feeding our families. Our company revolves around serving and treating everyone right while providing affordable care to the most vulnerable and impoverished people. We the employees should be treated with the same consideration as those whom we help.
We, the
undersigned, call upon the CEO, Kurt Baumgartel, along with the rest of upper
management, to make this change that is extremely important for all those who
keep this company going.