Let us choose our music for Cooper's 2014 Prom

Prom is a big deal for every teenager, and it's supposed to be one of the best nights of our lives. However... the music choice at past Cooper dances has been lacking. It seems as though the DJ assumes we like dancing to Top 40 hits we hear on ear-splittingly horrendous repeat daily on the radio. This petition was made to allow students to choose music they'd like to hear at the dance, to ensure a fun and memorable night with the music we love to hear and the people we love to dance to it with. Music can be a bit more risque considering we're all juniors and seniors and I think we can handle the occasional cuss word. I, as well as others, agree that allowing us to choose our own music is a something important, considering we're all about to be adults, making our own life decisions. It'd ensure everyone would be a lot happier with prom, and I know I've heard many complaints over the years about various dances, including prom, having music that was sub-par. We can create a Facebook page to post song suggestions to, and people can post songs from YouTube to vote on. The songs with the most votes will be included on the Prom Playlist, which can be given to the DJ in advance. If you'd like to choose your music this prom, SIGN THIS! We'll show it to the school after at least 300 signatures. I know you Hawks want this, so let's get to it and ensure that this prom is the best EVER.