Buzz Davis 0

Coop Board Pls Join Law Suit Against City

28 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Buzz Davis 0 Comments
28 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Dear YRG Coop Board of Directors

We, the undersigned customers, members and investors, urge the Board to formally join in the Stoughton Forward law suit against the city for improper approvals of the Kettle Park West (KPW)TIF project.

The city's proposed corporate welfare subsidy of $5.1 million to the KPW LLC will create unfair competition for retail businesses in Stoughton especially the Downtown area.

A much better and more productive use of the $5.1 million in tax dollars is to start the process of redeveloping our Downtown.

Stoughton Forwards citizen survey estimates that:

· 74% of citizens in the Stoughton School District DO NOT want the proposed WalMart SuperCenter.

· 82% of citizens DO NOT support giving the KPW developer & WalMart the corporate subsidy of $7.4 million in principal and interest over 20 years.

· 69% of citizens believe it is UNFAIR to businesses to subsidize WalMart.

·43% think the city should work to preserve & promote the Downtown as a walkable, bikeable, viable & vibrant place to shop, eat & relax.

·34% think the city & developers should work together to expand & improve the Downtown with new residential & retail stores built with a historical theme.

·63% think the city should build & spend city money on a river walk along the Yahara to attract people & businesses to the Downtown.

·67% of citizens think the city should work with local artists & businesses to encourage more artists to live & work in Stoughton with the goal of drawing visitors & future residents to Stoughton as an "art/cultural destination city."

Note: The Citizens Survey was mailed, during late October of 2014, to all homes and businesses in the City Stoughton and the townships as an insert into the Great Dane shopper. Surveys were mailed to over 9,000 households and businesses. At this time 448 responses have been received which means the error rate is + o - 5% at a 95% confidence level.

Board members, the city of Stoughton is far off the mark of what citizens want to see happen in our community.

We urge you to stand up for our community and fight back! The law suit is based upon facts that the city administration and council DID NOT FOLLOW THE LAWS in their approvals of the Kettle Park West project.

We need the YRG Coop to stand up for our community by becoming a plaintiff in the Stoughton Forward court suit.

Thank you for your positive action on this matter!

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