No To Building Plans For Coombes Wood Greenbelt
To be presented to Halesowen North councillors petitioning that there should be no building development whatsoever within the Coombes Wood Green Wedge area of Halesowen. The petition is produced in response to St Modwen proposals to extend Olive Hill Primary School sports facilities and to relocate Coombes Wood Cricket And Social Club within Coombes Wood protected green belt land. The scale and nature of these proposals are an unacceptable threat to the unique character of Coombes Wood. Borough greenbelt is a much-loved resource integral to the recreation and education of local residents and is precious because there is so little of it. The integrity of Coombes Wood green wedge must therefore be given precedence over St Modwen\'s profit driven development proposals. Alternative non-greenbelt sites can and must be found for these proposed facilities if they are to be built.