CoolTan Arts Community space for 237 Walworth Road

237 Walworth Road, the site of CoolTan's old premises, is currently up for redevelopment. When former planning was granted at this site it was on the prevision of a section 106, with CoolTan Arts as the named recipient. This meant that the developer promised to include an allocation for community space in any new development – in this case 10 work units and a public community space. Currently the proposed planning application by the developer Goldcrest is for a shared housing development, something which doesn’t include the promised facilities. We the undersigned believe it is vital that any new development must include the promised community space for CoolTan Arts. The Walworth Road needs to have public community spaces, places that provide skilled employment and wages above the minimum wage, allowing people a respectable standard of living. We believe that the area should not be taken over by expensive housing developments at the expense of other facilities and needs. You can share your views with Goldcrest the developer by either email: walworthroad@yourshout.org or by writing: Walworth Road Consultation, FREEPOST RSBX-ARER-CTYA, Your Shout, The Old Marmite Factory, 1-45 Durham Street, London, SE11 5JH. You can also contact Southwark Council: Southwark Council, PO BOX 64529, London SE1P 5LX, 020 7525 5000, csc@southwark.gov.uk