Convince my Mom
Aaron Swift 0

Convince my Mom

57 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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57 people have signed. Add your voice!
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My Mom is buying a new car and is set on getting a large, gas guzzling SUV. However, despite all the inefficiencies and environmental damage, she insists she wants a Tahoe. After some research it was discovered that the 2008 model Tahoe will have a Hybrid option! There is a short term solution of using my cousin\'s car for a few months until the \'08 Hybrid comes out. Yet when I called her to explain this, she hung up on me when I said the word \"Hybrid\". I want to protect the Environment, and I definitely do not want her future grandchildren to be born with Asthma and Emphysema! So please, Help Me to Help my Mother and Mother Earth! By signing this petition, it will hopefully show my mother the error of her ways, and convince her to wait for the Earth Friendly Solution of a Tahoe Hybrid instead of a polluting gas guzzling air killer. SIGN THIS PETITION TO CONVINCE MY MOM TO GET A HYBRID!


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