To ask David Milch and Michael Mann to continue HBO Horse Racing Series LUCK
Ed Bain 0

To ask David Milch and Michael Mann to continue HBO Horse Racing Series LUCK

386 signers. Add your name now!
Ed Bain 0 Comments
386 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

All the people signing this petition below would like the HBO Series Luck to continue and return for the next season.

Horse racing is one of the most exciting, daily run, year round international sports that regrettably only gets coverage through the year during the high profile races. This series changes this by bringing to its viewers the first of its kind show that is a genuine depiction of the every day owner, trainer, handicapper, jockey, race horse (including what happens to horses when they retire) and horse racing fans.
We sign this petition because we want to let HBO, writer David Milch, and producer Michael Mann know that we understand and share their concerns and the American Humane Association concerns for the horses and their safety. Their safety should remain paramount and we ask that you continue the series by considering an alternative when filming. In place of filming actual racing scenes using horses from the race track, for you to consider using replays of actual races or from horse racing archives. We want you to know that we would support this decision and continue to watch the series with these scenes in place of the scenes you had been filming and you would attract new viewers because of this alternative.
The spot light that these tragic horse’s deaths has bought to the forefront is a sad truth that is part of racing that no one wishes to readily face. HBO’s series LUCK has made people aware of non-profit horse rescue organizations that save injured and old retired race horses like The Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation (TRF) that exist exclusively on donations and would not be able to continue without them.
We ask you to reconsider your decision to cancel LUCK and return for another season.

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