Guaranteed Low Prices!
Samantha Turi 0

Guaranteed Low Prices!

26 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Samantha Turi 0 Comments
26 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Wal-Mart is a large, well-known and successful chain of \"Superstores\" owned by a select few CEO\'s that become \"Super-Rich\" while owner\'s of small business are forced out of work. After much research and many discussions; I have decided to begin a communtiy of people that are, for the most part \"Wal-Mart free\" \"Most of the money made by Wal-Mart does not go back to the Community where the store is located; but to the few people who own and run the chain.\" \"Brand name stuff is made by slave labor. Walmart tricks it\'s consumers by advertising a low low price of their own brand, then lures the customer to the brand name stuff that is more expensive. Walmart also has whole factories in china, in which their stuff is made, so don\'t give me that crap that Walmart shops around for the lowest prices. \" \"At a Wal-Mart Supercenter (this happened to a friend\'s sister) they made a show of offering opportunities to \"special\" people. Well, my friends sister is special and they let her work as a cashier. The store manager took advantage of her disability by having security escort her to his office, refusing to let her leave until she signed a confession for stealing money from the register.\" \"I work for Wal-Mart and I\'ll be the first to say that I hate my job and the place definately has it\'s flaws. They do a lot of unethical things that I just think are totally wrong. For instance, in my store they\'re \"cutting\" hours on the experienced workers and hiring new help because they don\'t pay as much!\" \"It would be even cheaper if they could bring all that cheap labor from Asia into the US and cut down on shipping costs. Oh wait, then they might have to pay minimum wage for the production of goods. Silly me. Know why you\'re poor it\'s because of Walmart.\" \"They are able to keep their wages low because they refuse to allow their employees to unionize. If there is even a hint of union, employees are fired. They are not allowed to fight for better wages etc\" \"There is no need for huge box stores; like Wal-Mart, when everything can be purchased in individual stores in any downtown region\" \"Destroying farmland to build a useless Wal-Mart will only ADD to Food Shortages in coming years when the Earth\'s Population contiues to grow.\" *The above statements were made by people in the discussion we held on a webforum. Pieces may have been edited for space or clarity. By signing this petition, you are telling me that you are going to limit your spending at Wal-Mart; which will hopefully bring these issues under the public eye. I am travelling to New Brunswick and I am will update this with a speech as soon as I can.


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