Conserve Historic 1922 Home in Eagle Rock
This charming 1922 California bungalow at 5081 Highland View Avenue (between Colorado and Chickasaw) is registered to be demolished to build six (6) small lot contemporary town homes. The buildings will be approximately 3 stories tall, including parking for each home underneath. This original 4 bedroom, 2 bath home was built when Eagle Rock was its own city, before it joined Los Angeles in 1923. The home is currently 1,749 square feet. The proposed buildings will utilize the entire 9,800 square foot lot. Please help us conserve this home, which has historic significance to Eagle Rock as well as the charming aesthetic we know and love in our community.
FACTS: (added to petition October 28th)
- All of the single-family homes and buildings on Highland View Avenue between Chickasaw and Colorado are over 50 years old. The area is technically eligible to be a historic district and deserves, at the very least, neighborhood conservation and development guidelines along with surrounding areas.
- 75% of the houses on Highland View Avenue between Colorado and Chickasaw were built in 1923 or earlier.
- The “youngest” building is 5089 Highland View Avenue, which was built in 1964, which makes the entire block exclusively over 50 years old.
- The proposed new town homes (which would replace the 1922 single-family home) will be approximately three (3) stories tall - substantially higher than any other structure on the block, lacking consistency amongst the predominantly single family homes.
- 5081 Highland View Avenue was built in 1922, when Eagle Rock was its own city, before it joined Los Angeles in 1923.
PAST HEARING: This Wednesday, October 26th at 10am at City Hall 200 North Spring Street Room 1020 Los Angeles, CA 90012. Residents attended. Everything is still under review for another week. New hearing pending.
ATTEND NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING: (Coordinated by Highland View residents) Regarding the proposed development of 5081 Highland View Avenue and need for overall neighborhood conservation and development guidelines. Please join us this Sunday, October 30th at 2pm at the Eagle Rock Fraternal Order of Eagles at 1596 Yosemite Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90041.
CITY CONTACT: Email or you can write a letter now to: LA City Planning Dept. Expedited Processing Section, 200 North Spring Street, Room 763, Los Angeles 90012, Attn: Jenna Monterrosa.