Here at
@CUPWomensPledge we told you we intended to redouble our efforts to
win back single sex spaces for women and girls; well here is what we
are doing!
Until today there was not a single group in the
Conservative Party who centred the rights of women, so
we are proud to announce the launch of Conservatives For Women.
are a group of Conservative Party members who will campaign within
the public sphere, and in the heart of Westminster, to raise
awareness of issues which threaten the safety and dignity of women.
We will defend science, reason, free speech and the need for open,
tolerant debate that underpins our society.
Come and join us!
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CforWomenUK
“If particular care and attention is not paid to the Ladies
we are determined to foment a Rebellion...”
Abigail Adams 1744
Whilst we were relieved that the Minister for Women and Equalities decided against allowing Self ID, it is clear that de facto Self ID is happening across the board in both public and private spaces.
We MUST have clear guidance issued to public and private bodies to tell them that ALL men, whatever their 'identity', can and should be be excluded from spaces where females would expect privacy from the opposite sex.
Do you think women should have to share private spaces with men? Your daughters, your wives, your mothers, ALL women should be forced to be in a state of undress or vulnerability, in a changing room, in toilets, a hospital ward, with a male unknown to them?
Despite the decision of almost every political party to support the exploration of gender self-identification, no serious prolonged thought or debate has been given to the risks to women’s rights as a result, or to the need for women's safe spaces for vulnerable women in domestic violence shelters and prisons. In addition, polls show that only 13% of Conservative party members support following a self-identification standard without a doctor’s approval.*
We do not believe that the natural conflicts between women's sex based rights (as defined in the Equality Act), and self-ID allowing gender reassignment rights, have been explored sufficiently by the Conservative Party. If a person can legally acquire a birth certificate in the opposite sex to that of which they are born, then defending sex-based rights becomes impossible.
Please support us in defending the rights of women, to name ourselves, to preserve our privacy, safety, and dignity, and that of our children, from the risks of self identification of gender.
The Conservative Party enacted the Representation of the People (Equal Franchise) Act 1928, giving women electoral equality with men and has provided this country with two female party leaders and Prime Ministers. We ask you to stand with women and defend our rights.
We, the undersigned, declare that:
- Women and girls are subject to discrimination on the basis of their sex, and sex is a protected characteristic under the Equality Act of 2010.
- Women have the right to discuss policies which affect them free of abuse, harassment or intimidation, and have the right to use the language which specifically refers to the anatomy of their biological sex.
- Women have the right to maintain their sex-based protections, as set out in the Equality Act 2010. These include female-only spaces such as changing rooms, hospital wards, sanitary and sleeping accommodation, refuges, hostels and prisons.
- Women have the right to refuse consent to admit males in single sex spaces or to allow males to deliver intimate services to females, such as washing, dressing or counselling.
- Children should be able to access safe spaces and by removing single sex spaces and the ability to ask someone’s sex, that this reduces the ability to safeguard young people.
- Women and girls have the right to participate in single-sex sports, to ensure fairness and safety at all levels of competition.
- We believe that any individual should be able to dress and express themselves as they wish. However we believe that important distinctions must be made between women and girls, and those who 'identify' as such. If any person can legally be considered the opposite sex then our rights as women and girls can no longer be defended.
condemn all attempts to undermine or limit the rights of women to
self-organise and call on our party to actively support these
essential freedoms, freedoms already enshrined in law, by signing
this declaration.
We are signing this declaration in a personal capacity. We are Conservative and Unionist Party supporters, members, and activists, including both nationally and locally elected representatives and officers.