Jacob Sumner 0

Congress, we need common sense gun safety measures

Jacob Sumner 0 Comments
12 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Congress: Do your job and protect Americans. Pass common sense gun safety measures.

As of June 17th, there have been 172 mass shootings in 168 days according to the Gun Violence Archive, meaning we are averaging more than one mass shooting every single day in 2019. That number is incredibly upsetting to me and I hope you as well.

It's time we say enough. We need common sense gun safety measures, and we need them sooner rather than later.

We need to require background checks on all purchases whether it's through a personal sale or at a gun store.

We need to pass extreme risk protection orders to allow family members to request a person's guns be taken if they are deemed a threat to themselves or others.

We need to close the boyfriend loophole that allows some domestic abusers to buy guns.

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