Conduct Unbecoming of a Seletar Club Member

10 Jan 2011
The Chairman
Seletar Country Club
Dear Sir,
We the undersigned, being members of Seletar Country Club collectively wish to bring to your attention the unbecoming behavior and conduct of Mr Henry Seet, a fellow member as well as a member of the Club’s Management Committee.
We strongly feel that his conduct when intoxicated at various events are thoroughly unbecoming and does not reflect well on the status of Seletar as a prestigious and family oriented club. In the opinion of many members, he does not carry himself with the decorum that should be expected of an office bearer of the Club and this could not have been more evident to the many members and their guests, who attended the Christmas Golf dinner held at the Seletar Room on Sunday the 19th of Dec.
Henry was obviously intoxicated again and behaving in an overly boisterous and incredibly rowdy manner. He constantly disrupted the evening’s proceedings with his shouts at the top of his voice to the extent that the MC, Irene Lee’s job to provide a smooth flowing function for everybody’s enjoyment was made virtually impossible. In all honesty, most of us who were at the event sympathized with her having to put up with his childish antics. Besides his rowdiness, he embarrassed several of our members by his behavior. As an example, one of our member’s wife was dragged by him off her chair in his effort to “volunteer” her for a party game. His forceful actions caused her to lose her balance and fall onto the floor. He caused further embarrassment to some of our members who had won lucky draw prizes, by snatching away their prizes and passing them on to a Chinese guest of his.
Sir, this was a club event organized for the enjoyment of members and their families and guests. Imagine how disgusted and embarrassed we all were being subjected to a whole slew of uncalled for, self-centred, childish and disruptive actions by not just an ordinary member, but by a member of the Management Committee. The event was not organized for the benefit of Henry Seet, but for all member and their guests. It is unacceptable that as an office bearer he was not able to respect the rights of all the other paying members and guests. In fact, some members decided to take their leave before the end of the event as they could not stomach what they were seeing and hearing. Some of us were really disappointed that no effort appeared to be made by anyone present in a position of authority, to restrain or to appeal to him to behave himself.
Henry Seet seems to be always under the notion that whatever event he is participating in, he must be the centre of attention. He seems to derive great amusement in trying to get fellow members to “bottoms up” or “tah” (dry in dialect) and in the process gets himself utterly drunk! It has not been unusual to bear witness to Henry “quarreling with the floor” oftentimes after he has reached his maximum, in terms of alcohol intake. He can also been seen to be going around planting wet kisses onto the foreheads of fellow members, in what can only be seen as his trying to establish a Henry Seet signature action. In the past, many members just try and turn a blind eye to his nonsense, but many others are turned off completely and avoid participating in certain club events eg Thursday night jam sessions at the Tavern, where he is certain to be present and be a nuisance to everyone else.
However, his “performance” on Sunday was the last straw for us and we felt compelled to highlight his unbecoming behavior, MC member or no MC member. We we do not feel that it is in our place to suggest what actions should be taken. However, we do strongly feel that this cannot be allowed to continue and you Sir, as Chairman of the Club, should be made aware of what a potential liability Henry Seet can be to the reputation of our Club. In all fairness, Henry Seet in his sober self is a decent person. However, his lack of control and subsequent boorish behavior after consuming alcohol cannot and should not be tolerated any further.
We submit herewith for your information and we are confident that you will deal with this in a manner that is consistent with the high office you occupy as a highly respected Government administrator. We thank you for your personal attention to this matter.
Yours sincerely,