Concordia New Fees System

We don't mind the school raising its fees good for them but this should be for the new comers only.
We applied last year knowing that the fees for ms was for 36,000 and the annual increase is from 7-10% and we agreed to that.
Even if we didn't sign a contract with the school saying that ,this doesn't mean that they can change their words whenever they feel like ! This is a huge institutions and their words alone is enough ,last year you told me we will pay X and we agreed and you too. so you can't come change your words and obligations to me just because more ppl want to enter the school "mainly because existing parents like us give positive feed bk about it"
You have more obligations and salaries ,elc. we do too!
If you said last year that next year fees raise will be 17% and We agreed to that then it is my problem and we won't come arguing with you
Same point as the second child discount ,last year when we applied,u said one of the benefits I'm offering you is the 10% discount ,you can't come and change your mind next year.
Any change the school want to make this year to the new comers its their right , and new patterns can take it or leave it
Any word the school said to us last year is An obligation to them they can't take their words back whenever they want too.
To sum it up
Hello everyone. . I think we should agree on our demands before we go which is in think
1. New comers fees can't be applied on existing students or the new Comer siblings
2. Existing studens annual increase should be previously determined with a range e.g 5-10 % (according to the financial need of the school at that year)
3. A written agreement contract should be signed with the parents before any payments determining the details of the fees + previously mentioned annual increase
4. Discounts for the newly coming siblings should be mentioned in the contract