Bring Back Royal Childrens\' Hospital Good Friday Live Benefit Concert

This petition is to convince Channel 7 to bring back the Royal Childrens\' Hospital Good Friday Live Benefit Concert next year.For the past two years this concert has been pre-recorded. Every year alot of people would attend the concert which included known performers, performers just starting up in the industry, as well as School students from various Performing Arts Schools etc...This was a great way for singers to share their music and help raise money for the hospital. This live concert was something alot of people looked forward to, as it gave people the opportunity to watch their idol perform live,as well as raising money for the Royal Childrens\' Hospital. My aim is to get at least 3000 signatures. Please sign your name for a good cause. So people dont get confused there is a free concert that mix 101 hold. I\'m talking about the benefit concert that used to held at night.