Concerned Clergy in the Triangle are deeply troubled by the increasing religious
profiling of our Muslim neighbors. This has encouraged bigotry and hatred
toward many upright citizens. It has led to violation of religious and civil rights
and of the norms of our community. We encourage all fair minded people of
good will to join with us in speaking out against this injustice.
• We believe that our common enemy is radicalism and hate which is fueled
by fear.
• We regret that the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on
Homeland Security has convened a hearing to investigate radicalism and
extremism within the American Muslim Community alone, without concern
for these phenomena among other faiths and groups and without
concerns for further stigmatizing millions of blameless American citizens.
• We recognize with sadness that this has caused both fear and anger
among our Muslim neighbors and fellow Americans.
• We recall that other religious groups such as Jews, Latter Day Saints, Sikhs and
several Christian denominations have suffered collectively from communal
stereotypes because of the action of a few of their adherents.
Therefore, we undersigned clergy, view with deep disapproval the actions of our
Congress, its Committee on Homeland Security, and the chair of that committee,
Representative Peter King of New York, for singling out Muslim Americans and
their religious institutions for investigation. We call upon the Congress to
terminate the hearings, apologize to the Muslim- American Community, and
convene revised hearings to investigate all sources of extremist violence in
America. It is time to reach out to those whose faith traditions are different from
our own, to cease blaming any group for the offenses of a few, and to work
together to create the beloved community which the Reverend Martin Luther
King, Jr urged us to seek in America.
Imam Abdullah T. Antepli
Muslim Chaplain
Duke University
Rabbi John S. Friedman
Judea Reform Congregation
Durham, NC
Pastor Joseph S. Harvard
First Presbyterian Church
Durham, NC
This petition is signed by :
1. Rev. Joseph H. Hensley - St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Durham,NC
2. Rev. John M. Keith - Chapel of the Cross, Chapel Hill
3. Barbara K. Armstrong - Episcopal Diocese of NC
4. Rabbi Morton L. Green - American Jewish Life Rabbi
5. Rev. Polly Hilsabeck - St. Titus’ Episcopal Church Durham, NC
6. Rev. Victoria Jamieson-Drake - Chapel of the Cross Chapel Hill, NC
7. Rev. Mary Holmes Banner Durham - Community Chaplain Dur. NC
8. Rev. Spencer W. Bradford Durham - Mennonite Church
9. Buffie Webber - Chapel Hill Friends Community, Chapel Hill, NC
10. Rev. Clinton W. Spencer - Calvary United Methodist
11. Rev. Richard Edens - United Church of Chapel Hill
12. Rabbi Suri Friedman - Durham Community Chaplain, Durham
13. Rev. John Heinemeier - St. Cyprian’s Episcopal, Oxford, NC
14. Rev. Margaret K. Silton - Chapel of the Cross, Chapel Hill
15. Rev. Jimmie R. Hawkins - Covenant Presbyterian Church
16. Rev. Anna Pinckney Straight - University Presbyterian Church, C Hill
17. Imam Abdul Hafez Waheed - W. Deen Mohammed Islamic Center
18. Rev. Dr. Robert Brizendine - Hillsborough Presbyterian Church
19. Mindy Douglas Adams - Chaplain The Pines Presbyterian Church
20. Rev. Mark Davidson - Church of Reconciliation (PC-USA)
21. Rev. Michael J. Watts - Pullen Memorial Baptist Church, Raleigh
22. Rev. Isaac Villegas - Chapel Hill Mennonite Fellowship
23. Rev. Jill Edens United - Church of Chapel Hill
24. Rev. Dr. Brett Webb-Mitchell - United Church of Chapel Hill, NC
25. Rev. Chris Tuttle - Westminster Presbyterian
26. Rev. Kori Jones - Duke University Chapel
27. Bishop Elroy Lewis - Fisher Memorial United Holy Church
28. Rev. Laurie Hayes Coffman - Calvary United Methodist Church
29. Joseph C. Moran - Church World Service-Southeast USA
30. Rev. Mel Williams - Watts Street Baptist Church
31. Rev. Jonah Kendall - St. Philips Episcopal Church
32. Rabbi Jonathan J. Prinz - Chapel Hill
33. Rev. Graham Ford - Presbyterian Campus Minister Duke University
34. Rev. Mark Rutledge - Pilgrim United Church of Christ
35. Rev. Betsy Alden - Pilgrim United Church of Christ
36. Rabbi Leah Berkowitz - Judea Reform Congregation
37. Patricia Cradle - Oncology Chaplain, NC Cancer Hospital
38. Rev. Carl H. King - University UMC
39. Rabbi Jennifer R. Solomon - Rabbi at Beth Meier, Raleigh
40. Rev. Carl W. Kenney II - Compassion Ministries of Durham
41. Rev. Haywood Holderness - White Memorial Presbyterian Church
42. Imam Mohamed Baianonie - Islamic Association of Raleigh
43. Imam Sameh Asal Islamic Association of Raleigh
44. Dr. Christy Lohr Sapp - Director of Religious Life, Duke University
45. Rabbi Jen Feldman - Chapel Hill Kehilah Synagogue
46. Rev. Dr. Meredith Bratcher - Chaplain Glenaire Retirement Center
47. Peter JB Carman, Minister - Olin T. Binkley Memorial Baptist Church
48. Rev. Gates Vrooman United - Church of Chapel Hill
49. Rev. Sumi Loundon Kim - Buddhist Chaplain, Duke University
50. Rev. Deborah Cayer Eno River - Unit. Universalist Fellowship
51. Rev. Rebecca McCulloh - Chapel Hill Christian Church
52. Chaplain John Stonestreet - Eastern Orthodox Chaplain, Duke- UNC.
53. Rev. Sam R. Miglarese - First Presbyterian Church Durham, NC
54. Jasbir Singh - Triangle Sikh Community
55. Rabbi Frank Fischer - Beth El Synagogue
56. Rev. Julio Ramirez-Eve - Iglesia Emanuel/Northgate Presbyterian
Abdullah T. Antepli